Are you a developer? Climb the Ballmer Peak at the Drink ‘n’ Dev hackathon, sponsored by Doejo!

We are very excited to announce that we will be holding our very first hackathon on Saturday, October 5, 2013, from 4PM to 12 AM.


The Ballmer Peak (named after Steve Ballmer of Microsoft) is a theory that when developers reach a blood-alcohol concentration around 0.13%, their programming abilities reach superhuman levels.  We all saw how well that worked for Ballmer (sorry about that forced retirement thing, Steve!), so we decided to throw a hackathon to try it out.  It’ll be a fun night of booze, food, code, and socializing with other devs.  You should totally come – Doejo is picking up the tab.

We only have 50 tickets available, so if you’d like to come, head over to to check out the details and RSVP so that we know to save you a seat.