Before & After: Consequence of Sound

A great before and after story we love to tell comes from Chicago-born webzine, Consequence of Sound. This four-year-old site covers the worldwide music scene while keeping readers in the know on music festival info — How are songs chosen for U2’s 360 Tour? When’s Incubus’ newest tour schedule? (Yeah, they’re still around) What exactly goes on at the Sasquatch Music Festival on the Bigfoot Stage?

We revamped CoS’s former Word Press blog into a custom backend and user interface — music fans are fickle when it comes to news consumption, so an easy-to-navigate site is vital. And we wanted to make sure it was easy to upload stories and videos for writers and editors. And let me tell ya, there was a major CMS overhaul.

The results: In the beginning of 2010 traffic was at about 800,000 monthly page views. And today? CoS is just shy of the two million mark! Check out the site and you’ll see why Technorati recently named CoS the most influential entertainment/ music blog. Bam.