‘Designer Pictionary’ tonight at Doejo for Society of Typographic Arts

When was the last time you played Pictionary with a bunch of artists, designers and wordsmiths? Hardly ever, right?

Well then you’re in for a treat tonight at the Doejo offices, 3128 N. Broadway, when the Chicago-based web design devotees, the Society of Typographic Arts holds “Designer Pictionary” Thursday, Feb. 2 from 7 to 9 p.m.

They’ll be intricate horse drawings, exuberant house sketches, perhaps a twisted looking clown or two, but definitely not your run-of-the-mill stick figures. While the free event is BYOB, the STA is stocking up on pizza. So, come out at meet some fellow designers at our brand spanking new offices. 

RSVP to erin@sta-chicago.org to reserve a spot though—and $5 donations would be appreciated so STA can keep hosting networking events.