Doejo client Strobe gets acquired by Facebook

Making headlines lately is Doejo client Strobe, the app/ software start-up based in San Francisco responsible for the HTML5―they just got acquired by social network bastion Facebook this month! Strobe’s flagship product SproutCore will continue to operate as an independent project, says CEO Charles Jolly on his blog.

Tech Crunch profiled this move quotes from Facebook spokesmen:

We’re excited to confirm that we’ve completed a talent acquisition for Strobe Corp., a mobile app development startup based in San Francisco. Founder and CEO Charles Jolley will join our mobile engineering team, and we’re looking forward to the major impact the Strobe team will undoubtedly make at Facebook.

Congratulations Strobe!

To read more about Doejo’s hand in designing Strobe’s logo and brand guidelines visit the Strobe case study

Filed in: Clients