Doejo named in Brill Street’s Top 50 Chicago Gen Y Employers

Workplace tastemaker and emerging professional network, Brill Street just announced their picks for top workplaces in Chicago for Generation Y-ers with a glowing review of Doejo. And we’re among great companies as well: Morningstar, Digitas, Deloitte, Orbitz,, Accenture, Orbit Media Solutions, Sonoma Partners, and more.

From Brill Street:

“Doejo Owner and CEO Phil Tadros says, “They [Generation Y employee-hopefuls] show up and want to work with us. We don’t try or think; our approach to business is organic. Talent and clients reach out to us.”

And who wouldn’t? Doejo offers a wide variety of services to its clients. Employees at the agency specialize in events, e-mail marketing, social media campaigns, e-commerce, and a variety of special developments amongst other services.

This is the kind of work that digital aficionados dream of. Doejo caters to its young professionals by keeping its street-level studio office stocked full of the latest technology. Tadros accredits this to the agency being constantly up to date with everything online and says that some traditional companies look to them for what’s current.


Filed in: Doejo