Homeless Cop and Greater >Than in the news

Doejo clients Homeless Cop and Greater > Than have been making heavy strides in momentum lately and the interwebs have taken notice.

Homeless Cop was featured on its e-commerce platform BigCartel’s artist-centric blog for Featured Store Friday. They hit up Homeless Cop on his methods, workflow and inspiration in Q&A style and highlighted his new online shop of t-shirts and paintings. From BigCartel:

BC: Electronics, money, suits, and women all seem to be themes running throughout your pieces. What are some of the Homeless Cop inspirations? 

HC: Money, Power, Commerce, Confrontation, Death, Technology, Nature, Dreams, etc…I can’t say I’m influenced by politics or public opinion, I pretty much stick to painting images that I like in colors that I enjoy looking at. There’s so much someone can take from looking at a painting, so I’d like to keep it pretty open to the mind of the viewer. “It is what it is” as they say.

Greater > Than was honored by beverage industry source BevNet with the “Best Sports or Hydration” award for 2011 this week. From BevNet:

One of the key components to Greater Than is its mathematically iconic branding, which, combined with its grassroots marketing campaign in Chicago, has really help the brand resonate in the sports community. And when it comes to sports drinks our panel thinks Greter Than is one of the best-tasting entrepreneurial entries into the category in a long while.

We’re so proud of you guys!

Filed in: Clients