Pawsley’s Beta Launch Getting Some Attention

If you are a dog lover, we have just created something that will blow your mind.

A few months ago we had the opportunity to create a holistic online experience for dog owners to connect and share with others. What we came up with was a one-stop dog park that includes photo and video galleries, groups, dog profiles, badges and even a dog related deal marketplace exclusively for members.

I guess we did something right, cause a few people have been talking about the beta release. Check our write-up on TechCrunch. Oh, and see what TIME magazine had to say:

As someone who is always trying to look for a recommended dog sitter or the cheapest place to buy dog food, Pawsley makes sense. The social networking site is like a Facebook for pet owners. Instead of annoying everyone on your News Feed about your desire to figure out why Bruno keeps peeing on the bed, you can just post your request to people who care about pet issues and are more likely to have an answer.

So go ahead and request your invite code ( and find your little Baxter an internet home.