Peace & Quiet, Think & Try It….

Last week I had the honor of being invited to participate in an art retreat in northern Michigan called MAKE EFFECT. It is a unique three and a half day workshop where professionals from all creative disciplines come together to work collaboratively to create new work and ideas. I was able to meet artists and designers from all over the nation to get our hands messy, sit around a campfire and get silly. Check out the video I made!

[vimeo 25099095 w=660 h=371]

MAKE EFFECT 2011 from Elizabeth Gilmore on Vimeo.

It was one of the best experiences of my life and I have to credit Michelle Bowers for pulling together the most relaxing, entertaining and memorable trip. Whether it was our hands covered in lithography ink or running around a tee pee late at night, the creative energy was unstoppable. We experimented with typography, letterpress, silk screen, lineoleum cuts, painting, cyanotypes, collage, drawing…. and all WITHOUT computers!?!? No mouse-clicking here, this was done all with our hands and our minds. What a refreshing experience… and challenge. A big thank you to Neil Hubert, Jesse Hora, Abby Wynne, Tara Brouwer, Amelia Irwin, Brad Di Benedetto, Ian Macnider, Brian Beard, Crazy Jen, wonderful hosts and Michelle Bowers for sharing your talent…… and dance moves! (bass….. bass…. bass) 

Here are a couple shots (out of the hundreds) from the trip!

Man it’s hard to go back to clicking away at my computer after reminiscing about this…. ok, back to work. :/

Filed in: Startup Community