Quirks of the web (part 1) – User-friendly form

To the point. Your task is to follow the link that I’m going to provide later and find you local store (Hint: on the left bar, where it says “Your zip code”). Here: True Value.

Human memory is actually strong when it comes to causal things. We feel more comfortable, when things work in a common way, when we get the result that we expect and so on. The question is why would you do this? This is more than usability issue. Most people used to typing something in a search form and hit enter. They don’t read what’s underneath the input because most probably it’s some “useless supportive information”. Look at this.

Usability issues (UI stuff) at True Value

Seriously, I don’t know, maybe it’s a social experiment, but.. “Do not hit enter”, listen to me! Never hit enter! This makes up my first post about quirks of the web. Thanks! no more words…

P.S. I don’t want to blame anyone. Just a funny quirk 🙂 No offense towards true value.