Threadless partners with The Leap Year Project

Threadless is partnering with The Leap Year Project to give away $6,000 in prizes to the best t-shirt designs around positive actions or leaps. The contest asks users to take a leap through their art in honor of the Threadless user interface redesign, a big leap for the online community of artists. Whether it be designing in a new style, collaborating with another person or submitting a design for the first time, Threadless wants to inspire your artistic leaps. 

The Leap Year Project, a community-driven effort that encourages taking risks to change the world, is presenting the contest. Born out of Victor Saad’s mission to create his own MBA in art/design, business and social change, The Leap Year Project has become a place where storytellers from around the globe share the challenging and inspiring leaps they have gone on.

The contest ends on Saturday, September 1st. Those interested in submitting a design or getting a sneak peak at the new Threadless website can do so here.

Filed in: Startup Community