What’s in your closet?

Some people say I wear a lot of teal. It’s true. Mustard yellow comes in close second. If I spot something teal or mustard yellow in a store, chances are I’ll buy it. It may be true that I’ve done loads of laundry of entirely teal clothing…I’m not going to confirm that. (It’s true.) I decided that my obsession was getting out of hand and I needed to do something about it. So, I designed an infographic.



It seems I need to branch out and add some more variety to my wardrobe palette. Luckily we designed this great site, Sleevecandy



SleeveCandy purchases their inventory from non-for-profit thrift stores like Salvation army, and donates 30% of every sale to support their adult rehabilitation programs. So by buying a tee from Sleevecandy, you are not only helping the environment by recycling clothing, you are helping support a great cause. And for every tee you buy, I will ditch a piece of teal clothing…maybe.

Filed in: Doejo