APT Home Care

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Case Study: APT Home Care – Research & Development for a Custom Caregiver Management System

Client: APT Home Care

Industry: Healthcare and Home Care

Solution: R&D for Custom Patient Management and Caregiver Scheduling System


APT Home Care provides compassionate, high-quality care to individuals in need of assistance with daily tasks, post-surgical recovery, or specialized support such as Alzheimer’s care and hospice services. As their operations expanded, APT Home Care recognized the need for an internal software solution to streamline patient management, caregiver scheduling, and service tracking.


APT Home Care’s growing network of patients and caregivers led to challenges with fragmented processes, including scheduling conflicts, inefficiencies in patient data management, and difficulties in compliance tracking. These operational hurdles hindered scalability and service quality.


Doejo was engaged to conduct the research and development (R&D) for a custom software solution designed to improve APT Home Care’s internal operations. The goal was to develop an efficient system for managing patient data, caregiver assignments, and real-time care coordination. Our R&D efforts were structured to help APT Home Care build a future platform with the following capabilities:

  • Caregiver Scheduling: A dynamic system to assign caregivers based on availability, qualifications, and location, optimizing care delivery.
  • Patient Management: Secure handling of patient records, health history, and care instructions, enabling caregivers to provide personalized and continuous care.
  • Customizable Care Plans: Tools to create and update individual care plans, covering a wide range of services from daily hygiene assistance to post-hospital care.
  • Real-Time Communication: A communication platform between caregivers and administrators to facilitate real-time updates and coordination of services.
  • Compliance and Billing: Features to track caregiver certifications, services provided, and automatically generate invoices, ensuring compliance with healthcare standards and accurate billing.

R&D Process

During the R&D phase, Doejo collaborated closely with APT Home Care to fully understand their operational needs and design a solution that could address their unique challenges:

  • Workflow Analysis: We conducted a deep dive into APT Home Care’s operations to map out how caregivers, patients, and administrators interact, identifying key pain points in their current processes.
  • Technical Feasibility Study: We evaluated the technical requirements to create a comprehensive, integrated platform capable of managing scheduling, patient data, and billing, all while maintaining healthcare compliance.
  • Prototype Development: We developed early-stage prototypes focusing on key features like scheduling and patient care management to demonstrate the potential impact of the solution.
  • Feedback and Iteration: Regular feedback sessions with APT Home Care’s team allowed us to refine the design and ensure the solution met their expectations and operational goals.

Future Potential: A Public-Facing Service

Though initially developed as an internal solution for APT Home Care, the project was positioned as a foundation for a broader, public-facing service platform. With Doejo’s guidance, the system has the potential to be offered as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution to other home care agencies, enabling them to streamline their operations and improve care delivery. This strategic investment in R&D not only benefits APT Home Care’s current operations but also positions Doejo to potentially expand the software for other healthcare providers in the industry.


Doejo’s R&D efforts resulted in:

  • Prototypes for Key Features: Actionable prototypes for caregiver scheduling, patient management, and compliance tracking.
  • Development Roadmap: A detailed plan for building out a fully customized software platform tailored to APT Home Care’s needs, with scalability and future growth in mind.
  • Scalable Framework: The solution was designed to accommodate more caregivers, patients, and services, ensuring that it can grow alongside APT Home Care’s operations.


Doejo’s work for APT Home Care laid the groundwork for a robust internal software system capable of managing the complex needs of home healthcare services. By positioning this R&D investment as a potential SaaS platform, Doejo and APT Home Care are exploring future opportunities to offer this solution to other agencies, enabling them to achieve greater operational efficiency and provide high-quality care.

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