The marketplace for musicians

Our digital strategy and platform development contributed to Reverb’s acquisition by Etsy.

From garage band to Rock Star. Have a look at the results of our initial 3 month design and development sprint traversing everything from branding to ux and development while staying true to the agile approach building a fully functional Ruby on Rails marketplace. Proving that practice makes perfect, has continued to build on our initial MVP and design work since 2012 setting their sights on being the biggest online retailer of musical instruments. Good to see their team and the site grow over the last three years from our initial groundwork.


We thrive on partnering with visionary companies to turn their ideas into reality through innovative software solutions. Our collaboration with Reverb, the leading online marketplace for musical instruments, exemplifies the transformative impact of strategic MVP development. In this case study, we’ll explore how our MVP development laid the groundwork for Reverb’s phenomenal success, culminating in their acquisition by Etsy—a testament to the pivotal role played by Doejo in Reverb’s journey to becoming a market leader.


Reverb set out with a mission to create a vibrant online community for musicians, offering a platform to buy, sell, and discover musical instruments and gear. In the early stages of their development, Reverb recognized the need for a robust MVP that could validate their concept, attract early adopters, and pave the way for future growth.


When Reverb approached Doejo, they faced several challenges in developing an MVP that could effectively showcase their vision and differentiate them in a competitive market:

  1. Rapid Development: Reverb needed to quickly develop and launch an MVP to test their concept and gather feedback from users and stakeholders.
  2. Scalability: With ambitious growth plans, Reverb required an MVP that could scale seamlessly as their user base and product offerings expanded.
  3. User Experience: Reverb aimed to deliver an exceptional user experience that would engage musicians and instrument enthusiasts, driving user acquisition and retention.


We collaborated closely with Reverb to develop a robust MVP that addressed their specific needs and goals. Leveraging our expertise in MVP development and design, we delivered the following key solutions:

  1. MVP Development: We designed and developed a minimum viable product that showcased Reverb’s core features and functionality, allowing users to buy, sell, and discover musical instruments and gear with ease. Our agile development approach ensured rapid iteration and continuous improvement based on user feedback.
  2. Scalable Architecture: We implemented a scalable software architecture that could accommodate Reverb’s growing user base and evolving product roadmap. Our scalable framework laid the foundation for future enhancements and expansions as Reverb’s business continued to grow.
  3. User-Centric Design: We crafted an intuitive and visually appealing user interface that prioritized ease of use and seamless navigation. Our user-centric design approach aimed to delight users and encourage engagement with the platform.


Thanks to Doejo’s MVP development, Reverb achieved remarkable success:

  1. Market Validation: Our MVP provided Reverb with valuable insights into user preferences, market demand, and potential areas for improvement, enabling them to refine their product strategy and roadmap accordingly.
  2. Rapid Growth: Empowered by their MVP, Reverb experienced rapid user acquisition and engagement, establishing themselves as the go-to destination for musicians and instrument enthusiasts worldwide.
  3. Acquisition by Etsy: Building on their success, Reverb caught the attention of Etsy, a leading online marketplace, and was ultimately acquired—a testament to the value and potential of their platform, fueled by our MVP development.


The success of Reverb underscores the transformative power of strategic MVP development in launching and scaling a successful business. Through our partnership with Doejo, Reverb was able to develop a robust MVP that laid the foundation for their remarkable journey to becoming a market leader in the online musical instrument marketplace. As Reverb continues to thrive under the umbrella of Etsy, we take pride in knowing that our MVP development played a pivotal role in their journey to success.

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