Jersey Jack Pinball

Case Study: Jersey Jack Pinball – Streamlining Operations with Seamless Website Integration


Client: Jersey Jack Pinball

Industry: Pinball Manufacturing

Solution: Custom Website with Advanced Integration for Payment Processing and Inventory Management


Jersey Jack Pinball, a renowned pinball manufacturing company based in Chicago, faced a significant challenge: integrating their proprietary payment processing and inventory management software with their website. No existing software solution on the market provided the required integration, and manual updates were time-consuming and prone to error. Enter Doejo with a custom-built solution that seamlessly bridges their systems, making operations smoother and more efficient.


Jersey Jack Pinball needed a website that could automatically reflect changes made in their internal Netsuite software for payments and inventory, without requiring any manual intervention. Their previous system lacked the necessary integration capabilities, forcing their team to manually update the website with product listings, inventory changes, and payment processing details—a time-consuming and error-prone task. They sought a solution that would allow them to continue using Netsuite for all business operations while ensuring their website updated automatically in real-time.


Doejo developed a custom website for Jersey Jack Pinball with a sophisticated integration that connects their proprietary payment processing and inventory management software with their Netsuite system. This solution enables the website to automatically sync with Netsuite, reflecting any changes made—whether adding, editing, or deleting products—without the need for the team to log into the website at all.

Key features of the solution include:

  • Seamless Integration: Full synchronization between Netsuite and the website for inventory and payment processing.
  • Time Efficiency: Eliminates manual data entry, allowing Jersey Jack Pinball to focus on core operations.
  • Real-Time Updates: Any change in Netsuite, such as product additions or inventory adjustments, is automatically reflected on the website.
  • User-Friendly Backend: The system requires no direct website management, as Netsuite handles everything.
  • Custom-Built Solution: Tailored specifically to Jersey Jack Pinball’s unique operational needs.


The implementation of this custom integration has transformed Jersey Jack Pinball’s operational efficiency:

  • Reduced Errors: Automating the update process has minimized the risk of manual input errors.
  • Time Savings: Staff no longer need to log into the website to update products or manage inventory, resulting in significant time savings.
  • Streamlined Operations: All business processes remain centralized in Netsuite, with the website automatically reflecting all changes.
  • Improved User Experience: The website offers customers accurate, real-time information on product availability and pricing.


Doejo’s custom integration & full website redesign for Jersey Jack Pinball has delivered substantial operational efficiencies, reducing manual labor and errors while providing seamless synchronization with Netsuite. The project not only streamlined internal processes but also enhanced the customer experience by ensuring the website is always up-to-date with accurate product and payment information. This solution highlights the power of tailored integrations in optimizing business operations and sets Jersey Jack Pinball up for continued success in the ever-evolving pinball manufacturing industry.

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