Brand identity design for a super tech startup

Facebook aka META Acquires Team Behind HTML5 App Platform Strobe; SproutCore Lives On..

Led by open source superstars Charles Jolley (SproutCore), Yehuda Katz (ember.JS) and Leah Silber (jQuery), Strobe came to Doejo in the winter of 2011 looking for a full brand identity design package. This included the development of a new logo with a comprehensive 25-page style guideline. This manual outlined the usage, color palette, application, geometry and rules for the new brand in order to keep the identity as consistent as possible for its users.

Not long after their engagement with Doejo was complete, Facebook acquired Strobe for an undisclosed sum.  Coincidence?  We think not…


At Doejo, we believe in the power of branding to shape perception, drive engagement, and propel business success. Our partnership with Strobe, a dynamic company in the tech industry, exemplifies the transformative impact of effective branding. In this case study, we’ll explore how our full brand design package for Strobe laid the foundation for their rapid growth and eventual acquisition by META, underscoring the pivotal role of branding in the journey to success.


Strobe emerged onto the tech scene with a vision to disrupt the industry with innovative solutions. Recognizing the importance of a strong brand identity in establishing credibility and fostering trust, Strobe sought a partner who could help them bring their vision to life through compelling branding.


When Strobe approached Doejo, they faced several challenges in developing a cohesive brand identity that resonated with their target audience and set them apart in a competitive market:

  1. Brand Consistency: Strobe needed a comprehensive brand design package that would ensure consistency across all touchpoints, from their logo to their marketing materials.
  2. Brand Differentiation: Strobe aimed to differentiate themselves in a crowded market by creating a unique and memorable brand identity that reflected their values, vision, and personality.
  3. Scalability: As Strobe prepared for growth and expansion, they needed a brand design that could scale with their business and adapt to evolving needs and markets.


Doejo collaborated closely with Strobe to develop a full brand design package that encompassed all aspects of their brand identity. Leveraging our expertise in branding and design, we delivered the following key components:

  1. Logo Design: We crafted a distinctive and versatile logo for Strobe that captured the essence of their brand and conveyed their vision and values effectively.
  2. Comprehensive Style Guideline: We created a comprehensive style guideline comprising 25 pages of detailed instructions on the usage, color palette, application, geometry, and rules for the new brand. This manual served as a roadmap for maintaining brand consistency across all communications and touchpoints.
  3. Brand Application: We applied the new brand identity across various collateral, including business cards, letterheads, presentations, and digital assets, ensuring a cohesive and unified brand experience for Strobe’s audience.


In part, thanks to Doejo’s brand design expertise, Strobe continued on to achieved remarkable success:

  1. Strong Brand Recognition: Our cohesive brand design package helped Strobe establish a strong and recognizable brand presence in the tech industry, setting them apart from competitors and garnering attention from investors and potential partners.
  2. Increased Credibility: Strobe’s professional and polished brand identity instilled confidence in their target audience, positioning them as a trustworthy and reputable company in the eyes of customers, stakeholders, and industry peers.
  3. Rapid Growth: Empowered by their new brand identity, Strobe experienced rapid growth and expansion, attracting a loyal customer base and generating significant interest from investors and acquirers.
  4. Acquisition by META: Building on their momentum, Strobe caught the attention of META, a leading player in the tech industry, and was ultimately acquired—an achievement that underscored the value and impact of their brand on their journey to success.


The success of Strobe serves as a testament to the transformative power of effective branding. Through our partnership with Doejo, Strobe was able to establish a strong and memorable brand identity that propelled them to rapid growth and eventual acquisition by META. As Strobe continues to evolve and thrive under new ownership, we take pride in knowing that our brand design expertise played a pivotal role in their journey to success.

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